The best athletes learn from a variety of sources. They read books, articles, watch videos, go to training camps and soak up everything they can to become better athletes. Below are some of our favorite resources to help you become the best athlete possible.
The Masters Division Articles
You are brave and worthy of love and belonging
Brene Brown once said... “I define wholehearted living as engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It’s going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am brave and ...
Four Years; Four CrossFit Opens
Four years; four different stories. Each year that registered for the Open, I have had different goals: 2016: I was definitely about my ranking. I Rxed all the workouts and carefully watched the leaderboard in my box and on the games site. I didn’t get my first bar muscle ups in 16.3 like everyone else and that shook my confidence. But I ended up in the top 10 in my state for my age group ...
I Love EMOMs
I love a good EMOM, Every Minute on the Minute. The basic idea is to take movement and a set number of reps that can be performed in under one minute. Then you decide how many minutes you will do those sets. Ideally, you want to do a number of reps that you can still have 20 or so seconds of rest in each round. Example: 7 minute EMOM 5 clean and jerks (touch and ...
The 2019 CrossFit Games Season is Here!
It’s finally here; the 2019 CrossFit Season has finally arrived! Registration for the Open is live and we finally have an official CrossFit Games rulebook. Many people have been waiting a long time for the rulebook given all that changes coming to the 2019 Games season. What changes, you say?
- Starting in 2019, there will be no more Regionals. But you probably already knew that because the internet lost its mind back in ...
6 Things You Need to Know Before You Join a Gym
I want to share 6 things you need to know before you join a gym. “But Julie, I already go to a gym…”. Wait, wait, don’t leave. These things can help you too because they are good reminders when things go awry and you start to ease off on your training.
- You don’t have to fit to start. The reason why most people start going to gym is to get fit ...